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IP 商城

商城 > IP 商城


  • 微IP名称: Precision Tone Decoder
  • 微IP编号: 1911972010
  • 微IP种类: Digital μIP
  • 硬体描述语言: Verilog
  • 保固: 是
  • 仿真工具: Model-sim
  • 仿真工具版本:
  • 设计型式: RTL
  • GDSII在晶圆厂合并: 否
  • 会员编号:5591462000500175
  • 卖家评价:
  • 参与评价总人数:有0人

1. 概述:

The IP is a precision tone decoder with the capacity to support either real or complex data samples. Samples are first mixed-down to baseband before subsequent filtering and tone detection.

The centre frequency of the tone is fully programmable and is generated by a local oscillator (DDS).  The DDS has an SFDR of better than 80 dBs (with phase dithering) and a theoretical SNR of approximately 100 dBs.

After down-conversion, 2 paths are filtered to remove components above the tone of interest.  The characteristics of these filters may be changed depending on the desired detection bandwidth and
response time.

Finally, a power function is used to compute the relative magnitude of the signal after filtering.


  • Precision frequency monitoring and control
  • FSK / OOK / ASK demodulation
  • Touch tone decoding (e.g. DTMF tones)
  • Complex digital down conversion


2. 售价:


允许多个授权 :

3. 工作频率:

200 MHz

4. 逻辑闸数:


5. 工艺:


6. 版本:
