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IP 商城

商城 > IP 商城


  • 微IP名称: CAN 2.0 & CAN FD Bus Controller Core
  • 微IP编号: 1236943455
  • 微IP种类: Digital μIP
  • 硬体描述语言: VHDL
  • 保固: 是
  • 仿真工具: Synopsys VCS
  • 仿真工具版本:
  • 设计型式: RTL
  • GDSII在晶圆厂合并: 否
  • 会员编号:1422368000800119
  • 卖家评价:
  • 参与评价总人数:有0人

1. 概述:

The CAN protocol uses a multi-master bus configuration for the transfer of frames be- tween nodes of the network and manages error handling with no burden on the host processor. The core enables the user to set up economic and reliable links between vari- ous components. It appears as a memory-mapped I/O device to the host processor, which accesses the CAN core to control the transmission or reception of frames.
The CAN core is easy to use and integrate, featuring programmable interrupts, data and baud rates; a configurable number of independently programmable acceptance filters; and a generic processor interface or optionally an AMBA APB, or AHB-Lite interface. It imple- ments a flexible buffering scheme, allowing fine-tuning of the core size to satisfy the requirements of each specific application


2. 售价:


允许多个授权 :

3. 工作频率:


4. 逻辑闸数:

12 K Gates

5. 工艺:


6. 版本: