1. 概述:
The IP Core is a fully pipelined video interlacer solution that converts any progressive video format into it's interlaced equivalent. Each interlaced output field will have half the number of lines as an input frame.
The input and output interfaces are streaming interfaces that follow a simple valid-ready pipeline protocol. Input pixels and syncs are sampled on the rising edge of clk when P_VALID and P_READY are both high. Likewise, output pixels and syncs are sampled on the rising edge of clk when PO_VAL and PO_READY are high.
Note that if no flow control is required in the design and the output is guaranteed to accept pixels without stalling, then the signal PO_READY may be tied high and the signal P_READY may be ignored.
2. 售价:
允许多个授权 : 否
3. 工作频率:
500 MHz
4. 逻辑闸数:
5. 工艺:
6. 版本: